Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My first short story

My Photo I know this is a tad late, but a belated happy New Year everyone! There is no excuse for it -- everyone is busy at this time of year and telling everyone you're busy is like telling everyone you're alive.

Anyway, talking of telling, I have a favour to ask about storytelling:

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI have added my first short story on gather.com. Please check it out and tell me what you think. It is my first attempt at writing a short story, so the next one shoud be better! Click on this link to read the story:

Leo's Daughter: Mistress of the Web


megpreece said...

Shelagh I read your short story at Gather and it was wonderful. You are a great writer. You told us everything You wanted us to know and that is what I like. I never second guess a good story or the writer that writes it. Some say tell us more or you didn't tell this, well to me you tell what you want to tell and that makes you the author you are.

shelagh said...

Thanks meg! I'm glad you enjoyed the story -- my writing is full of information but very little explanation!


Dick Stodghill said...

OK, Shelagh, you have got to quit amazing me! How many groups do you belong to and what did you mean in that earlier post when you said nothing happens in your life? It seems to me that eveything does. The links section on your site is unbelievable - so neat, orderly and professional. I just wish you were my webmaster, my blogger-in-chief, my publicist and just about everything else yo can name. No kidding, you are amazing.
My only comment on your short story is to add a bit more dialogue, or work it into the descriptive text. I'll watch for your next one.

shelagh said...

Thanks Dick! I will work on the dialogue. The second story isn't even a WIP but, when it is, it should be much better than the first. I received some wonderful comments, which I will be adding to my blog soon.

I don't know who said "things happen only if you make them happen" but it certainly seems to be true for me. At the moment, I'm rewriting The Power of Persuasion and this time it will be published. I will make it happen!